(photo credit: S. Debraski)

The goal is to normalize any breastfeeding issues and to help fit breastfeeding into your day-to-day life. We will work with you and your baby to develop a care plan for breastfeeding that is personalized and realistic for your situation.

We will provide a full breastfeeding assessment specific to your situation. This assessment might include evaluation of the following:




  • Health, lifestyle, pregnancy and birth history as it pertains to lactation.
  • Breast and nipple examination to assess structure and functionality, including glandular abnormalities, breast lumps, infections, engorgement, etc.
  • Identification of breast conditions that might impact breastfeeding, such as flat or inverted nipples, cracks, blisters, scar tissue, etc.


  • An oral assessment to assess development, anatomy and suckling ability, assess for oral restrictions/tongue tie and muscular tightness
  • Feeding history and assessment.
  • Weight checks, including pre- and post-weight feedings, as necessary to assess milk transfer.


  • A complete feeding assessment, including the evaluation and discussion of supplements.
  • Positioning guidance and adjustment.
  • Pump flange sizing.


  • You will receive a comprehensive care plan and supporting documentation specific to your breastfeeding concerns.
  • You are welcome to contact us at any time to discuss how your plan is working for you and for changes to the plan.
  • Some situations may require multiple visits and additional consultations may be suggested.
  • A physician report will be sent to baby's health care provider.
  • You will receive a receipt and supporting documents as necessary to file with your health insurance carrier for reimbursement if necessary.

Please DO NOT spend time cleaning your house in preparation for our visit. You are a postpartum parent; your only responsibility right now is caring for your new baby. Rest assured that our attention will be on YOU and baby and not on the dust bunnies or dirty dishes! 


If you have questions, feel free to email us.

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Phone: 908-866-1594 Email: dana@branchburglactation.com